Environmental Experience – Heating Oil and Underground Storage Tanks

Broadbent has been providing professional Certified Environmental Manager (CEM) services to a large Nevada School District, relative to heating oil underground storage tanks, since 1996. This includes work at numerous facilities, within the past five years. Conducted activities include: preparation of tank removal contractor specifications; contractor bid solicitation; contractor selection; oversight of tank cleaning and removal activities; collection of tank closure assessment samples; and preparation of Tank Closure Assessment Reports. Where impacts (primarily diesel range organics and some MTBE) have been discovered, additional site characterization activities have been conducted, including: Work Plan preparation and implementation; soil boring drilling and soil sample collection (using multiple drilling techniques, including GeoProbe, Hollow stem auger, air rotary, and sonic); soil boring completion as groundwater monitor wells; development and groundwater sample collection; data collection, analysis and compilation; and Site Characterization Report preparation. Where remediation has been required, activities have included: Remedial Action Plan preparation; appropriate permitting; preparation of contractor bid specifications; contractor solicitation and selection; and oversight of remediation activities. Technologies utilized include: soil excavation and off-site disposal; mobile dual phase extraction; enhanced in-situ bioremediation; phytoremediation (use of trees); and monitored natural attenuation. Broadbent has also handled all applications and filings for reimbursement for eligible fees on appropriate projects with the Nevada Petroleum Fund.

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© 2025 Broadbent & Associates, Inc.
Founded in 1987, Broadbent & Associates, Inc. is a full-service environmental remediation, water resources, and civil engineering firm. Made up of approximately 100 employees, we provide professional services throughout the United States, and beyond. Our mission is to build long-term client relationships by providing sound scientific solutions to comprehensive resource management challenges.
Broadbent & Associates, Inc.