Environmental Experience – Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacts

Broadbent managed a project in Sparks, NV, where a diesel fuel release was discovered, emanating from a failed dispenser piping bushing (the facility operates two diesel fuel underground storage tanks (USTs), one 5,000 gallon capacity and one 8,000 gallon capacity). Initial soil sampling assessment activities, conducted via hand sampling at the point of release, found total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) diesel impacts present at 1,700 mg/kg and 16,000 mg/kg. Subsequent soil characterization activities were conducted via installation and sampling of two GeoProbe soil borings, found TPH diesel impacts present at 1,100 mg/kg in one boring at ~10.5 feet below land surface (bls), and 2,500 mg/kg in the second boring at ~15 feet bls. Additional site characterization activities were conducted using drilling with a Sonic Drill Rig, included installation of three ground-water monitor wells to a total depth of 40 feet bls. No free-phase product was observed to be present in these wells and laboratory analytical results yielded no BTXE or MTBE constituents present above a state action level. Based upon these results, a Sensitive Receptor Survey was conducted and site closure was requested via NAC 459.9973 1.(a)–(k), which was approved by County Health Department. Nevada Petroleum Fund coverage was applied for and fully granted for this release.

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Founded in 1987, Broadbent & Associates, Inc. is a full-service environmental remediation, water resources, and civil engineering firm. Made up of approximately 100 employees, we provide professional services throughout the United States, and beyond. Our mission is to build long-term client relationships by providing sound scientific solutions to comprehensive resource management challenges.
Broadbent & Associates, Inc.