New Environmental Management Degree at CSN

While Broadbent wasn’t the only firm to participate in the development of this amazing new Bachelor’s Degree at CSN, we want to highlight Dr. Douglas Sims, who is the real brains behind the program. To further these efforts our very own Kirk Stowers, Principal Geologist, and Dr. Sims sat down with KNPR to discuss the new degree program and its importance to the environmental community. You can find the recording here.

We are very excited to see a program like this and hope to be involved in its continuing development. It’s not often that a firm gets to contribute to the development of such a unique and necessary program. Broadbent is honored to have taken part.

If you would like more information about the program check out the Review Journal’s article. It you’re interested in applying for the Fall 2020 semester, check out the details page on the CSN website. A 2-year Associates Degree is also being offered.

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© 2025 Broadbent & Associates, Inc.
Founded in 1987, Broadbent & Associates, Inc. is a full-service environmental remediation, water resources, and civil engineering firm. Made up of approximately 100 employees, we provide professional services throughout the United States, and beyond. Our mission is to build long-term client relationships by providing sound scientific solutions to comprehensive resource management challenges.
Broadbent & Associates, Inc.